I hope our asian friends will have a better experience!
Try this new font!
Also, this update introduce a kind of experiment. At some interval, the button currently generated by the factory is chosen to be uploaded to Flickr, a well-known photo-sharing service.
Take a look at the user-generated button gallery!
The idea is to create a big collection of user-generated buttons that you can freely browse.
And when you find a button that pleases you, you can directly edit it in Da Button Factory by clicking the hyper-link present in its description field.
As I said, it is an experimentation. I don't really know what will result from it. But as I see it, it would become a huge gallery of very different (and very pretty :-)) examples. I hope the wisdom of crowds will apply here, and that using the imagination of plenty of people will be a right thing. Time will tell!
Finally, there is also a minor UI improvement: a "copy" button now sits next to the button/workspace URL, to copy its value in the clipboard.
It might not work in every browser, but at least it always selects the text (then just do CTRL-C or Command-C on a Mac).
The workspace URL also have an "open" link to open the current workspace configuration in a new window. Mainly useful if the "bookmark" button doesn't work with your browser.