Saturday, March 16, 2019

Thai support 🇹🇭

Da Button Factory can now render characters from the Thai abugida:

example button using thai characters

Support is available in the Noto Sans font, in its normal and bold variants.

Noto Sans Thai features a loopless design for the characters. It’s provided for free by Google, but as a separate font file from the “standard” Noto Sans font (which was already available on Da Button Factory). It’s actually possible to combine different font files together though, and that’s just what we did 😉 We used FontForge for that job.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Da Button Factory is 10 years old!

Quite a long way since the first version of Da Button Factory:

Screenshot of the site in 2009

Da Button Factory has however stayed faithful to its mission of providing a simple & stable service. A constantly changing application with too many options would be no good!

The most significant update happened in 2015, when the site became mobile-friendly, and the image generation back-end changed (while still preserving the previous one, so as to not break any site that depended on the old API 😉)

There also have been various minor improvements over the years. Today makes no exception: to celebrate the anniversary, we increased the maximum size of a button from 250k to 300k pixels, simplified & modernized the generated CSS code, and fixed a bug related to the handling of null size (0 px²) buttons!
