Better number and color input on mobile
When changing a size/distance field on a mobile, the keyboard now turns to “digits mode”:
And on a mobile system that support <input type="color"> (mainly relatively-recent Android, unfortunately not iOS), the native color picker is used, instead of the one used by default on Da Button Factory:
Since the default color picker was not designed for small & touch screens, it wasn’t very usable on mobile.
Dropping support for very old Internet Explorer versions
According to our stats, a negligible amount of visitors are using Internet Explorer ≤ 7. Completely dropping support for them means we could greatly reduce & clean the codebase. As a result, the vast majority of visitors will experience a faster and smoother experience, and mobile data plans will be spared.
Undo/Redo via keyboard shortcuts
It is now possible to undo or redo a change by using the usual keyboard shortcuts (for instance, CTRL-Z to undo on a PC keyboard). No need to reach for the mouse!